
Agenda: Innovative Education

Nord designs educational buildings which meet the evolving standards and needs of learning in the 21st century. The traditional classrooms are being rethought to meet new modes of teaching and learning that enforce collaboration, critical thinking, and technological integration.

Whether the building is new, or it is an update of an existing learning environment, the architectural framework should be flexible and innovative. It is essential that we innovate our current learning environments to ensure that students experience future-proof learning that prepares them for the world outside the classrooms. 

We design tailor-made schools, universities, and campuses in close dialogue with the client and users. The specific user demands and visions constitute the programmatic outset to make learning, teaching and research patterns perform in the best possible way.

Contemporary schools and education environments can be designed as flexible and based on sharing square meters to emphasize multi use and the optimization of building costs. Learning environments can also become an active part of the local environment where it’s a space for interaction, innovation and mixed use open for the public.

Nord designs inspirational learning landscapes that align with the innovation goals and the client’s pedagogical aims.  


Education services:

  • 1. Designing flexible learning environment 
  • 2. Creating innovative educational buildings 
  • 3. User-involvement to meet highest standards 

Case, The European School: Sharing squaremeters and introducing multifunctional spaces activates a lot of local users. We engage indoor and outdoor learning.


Case, The European School: Modern interpretations that keeps the history alive and create continuity. Activated urban spaces between new and old in dense city structures where we share facilities.


Case, The European School: Activated urban spaces between new and old in dense city structures where we share facilities.


Case, DTU Risø: World-class international research facilities to keep our position in developing renewable wind energy.


Case, DTU Risø: We design and develop high-standard research facilities based on comprehensive user-involvement. It encourages people to develop new ideas and share knowledge.


Case, Kids City: From kindergarten to university, it’s a question of feeling safe, inspired, collect knowledge and develop ideas in tailormade spaces designed with users and purpose in mind.


Interested to know more about Nord’s work with innovative education? Contact Morten Rask Gregersen, partner of NORD Architects, at
