
Creative Zones Copenhagen

Strengthening creative companies and entrepreneurs through planning

In their ”Policy of Growth”, the municipality of Copenhagen have an ambition to be driving force for innovation and growth. Attractive conditions for the business community should be created in order to strengthen the creative companies and entrepreneurs.

Furthermore, the municipality has created the vision “Fællesskab Købehavn” and wishes that the development of the city happens together with its citizens, users, companies, communities, collaborator etc. By unleashing the creativity of Copenhagen, a lively and dynamic city with an “edge” is made. It reflects the diversity of the city and ensure conditions for the good city life between the buildings. It is especially these visions for the city, that the catalogue rises from.

The catalogue of ideas for the creative spaces on Vesterbro and Kgs. Enghave stretches from the Meat Packing district and Godsbanearealet at Vesterbro to Bavnehøj in Kgs. Enhave. The catalogue concerns strengthening the connections in and between the areas while ensuring good conditions for creative companies. The catalogue recommends which physical, here under urban, organizational and procedural actions, that both in short and long term can support the cohesive creative environments in the Meatpacking District, Godsbanearealet and Bavnehøj.

  • Location:

    Copenhagen, Denmark

  • Client:

    Municipality of Copenhagen

  • Year:


  • Size:

    735.000 m2

  • Typology:

    Process, strategy, user involvement, communication and idea catalogue

  • Collaborators:

    Blu Bakery, Gua Grande Studio

  • Status:

    Assignment completed
